About The Dreaded Majority


“The Dreaded Majority” is an unofficial fan-made cooperative board game, with a free module for Tabletop Simulator. You can get the module and subscribe to updates through Steam. Complete rules are on this site. Start with the gameplay Overview. The How To Play instructions and cards are subject to revision. If you have Tabletop Simulator and are interested in playtesting, please contact us.

Do you still believe in the Death Of Majority, reader? The First Anonymous’s first essay, lauding what they saw as the promise of eternal peace. After the Church War there was no majority race, no majority religion, no majority language, no majority nationality. Mukta birthed a world so intermixed that no one anymore grew up among people mostly like themselves: the majority of Japanese people did not live in Japan, the majority of Greeks did not live in Greece, so too for every country in the world. Majority died with Church and Nation, the Anonymous proclaimed, and with it war and genocide died too, for they require a majority united, patriots, an ‘us’ and ‘them’ in which ‘us’ is larger, more powerful, capable of overwhelming and defeating ‘them’.

The above paragraph is an excerpt from the Terra Ignota series of novels by Ada Palmer, published by Tor Books, which begins with the novel Too Like The Lightning. Many thanks to Dr. Palmer for writing it. This project does not claim ownership, and nothing that occurs in the game is canon.

Character portraits by DaniRainbow.

Game design, visual layout, other illustrations, and this site, by Nemo Rathwald, designer of Overworld and GaiaVora.

To toggle Dark Mode on this site, click the lightbulb icon in the upper right, next to the full text search field.

Note from the Sensayer’s Conclave: the presence of cards in this game is not intended to advocate for fate or providence. Nor is the absence of dice indicative of a rejection of chance. CERTIFIED NON-PROSELYTORY BY THE FOUR-HIVE COMMISSION ON RELIGION IN GAMES.

The Terra Ignota series of novels are copyright Ada Palmer and Tor Books.

Site built with Netlify, Gitlab, Eleventy, and Spacebook.

Next: Gameplay Overview

The Terra Ignota series of novels are copyright Ada Palmer and Tor Books.